Tuesday, March 10, 2009


On the second last of February i went to the province of Limburg to visit my friend and celebrate Carnaval. Carnval is a catholic celebration that goes back centuries, and is generally held in the five days before Ash Wedensday when the 40 days of fasting begins. It is celebrated all over the world, most famously in Rio de Janeiro and New Orleans. In the Netherlands it is traditionally celebrated below the rivers, ie: the south of the country. These are the the traditional catholic parts of the country.
The whole idea of carnaval seems to be five days of drinking lots of beer, dressing up in costumes, having parades and listening to 'Carnaval' music. Here are some examples of the music:
The music is interesting at first... but then it just gets worse as the evening goes on.
overall, I had a really great time, and I hope to do it again.

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