Saturday, July 12, 2008

Day 30: Disposing of your trash!

In Canada, we are used to getting rid of our garbage by putting it at the end of the driveway on garbage day. Rotterdam has a most fascinating system. I'm not sure what it's like in other dutch cities, but I really like the system here. In Rotterdam, you put your garbage in a bag, and you put it in bins, that are usually found on every street:
Or, if it doesn't fit, you can put it next to the bin... Although, I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to do that, and if you get caught you get a fine. Ideally, you're supposed to open the lid and put your bag in. But Victor, you're probably saying how does everyone fit all their garbage into one small bin, when garbage is probably only picked up once a week... Well! I reply, looks can be deceiving! Here are pictures of how the trash is emptied, and you will see the true size. First the Garbage truck grabs onto the bin:
Then it starts to lift:
And lift:
And finally the whole bin emerges:
The truck keeps lifting the bin up:
Until is is over top of the garbage truck:
This is where my pictures end. But, after this stage, the bottom of the bin opens up and empties the trash into the truck. The truck than returns the bin to it's whole in the ground. I'm really curious as to how many full bins one garbage truck can hold, as the bins seem quite large.


Anonymous said...

I have to tell you, it doesn't work like that everywhere :)

There are several other options:

1. The 'klikobak', which is a plastic, grey, approx one meter high bin, on two wheels. Every household in the street owns this thing, and every other week, you have to put in out on the street. (The other week, the green klikobak, for, you know, green stuff ;) gets emptied)

2. Big stone squared garbage bins with metal lids, where everyone can put their trash bags in, usually around flat buildings. Gets emptied once a week too. In my neighborhood, there's also always a lot of non-fitting trash around it ;)

3. The good old garbage day, usually in the city centers. When I was in Amsterdam on a Sunday a while ago, around 1pm, the streets were full of big piles of bags..

SO, yep, I think that's it :) I'm going to put my trash outside now :)

Birgitte said...

That's cool!!!